M A R E  N O S T R U M  -  S P A C E  F O R  D I A L O G U E  A N D  D I V E R S I T Y

T h e   V o i c e  o f   W e s t  A f r i c a 

Collective Memory & Collective Consciousness

                                                      Between Tradition and Modernity                                                     Confrontation with a culture whose survival is threatened by globalization and migration


On this page in construction we are elaborating the topics of the investigations respective to the following second aspect of the field research in Senegal - with the goal of creating the construction blocks for the proposed media package with documentary and illustrated book - the base for more extensive activities as for example exhibitions together with interested institutions and an international conference on the cultural patronage of the coastal people in Senegal :

The second point of view of the research in Senegal was conducted as an action research to deepen in the socio-cultural environment of coastal communities, the representations underlying values of conversation. The action research conducted on the role of representation and the sacred in the value system of coastal communities in Senegal allows a better arrangement between tradition and modernity, and at the same time serves as pivot between the different approaches of the research to ensure consistency.                                                                                                                                                                                         The topics of the investigations of this page are the following:

1)  Documentation of the several-day ritual "N’DOEP" in Yoff.

2)  Contributions of the representatives from the traditional fishing  communities to the

     socio-cultural significance of the sacred in their culture.
3)  An old fisherman tells about the songs of the fishermen.
4)  About the importance of talismans, ”cri-cri”, in the fishing boats.
5)  Documentation of a neighborhood feast after the ritual circumcision of boys.
6)  Documentation of traditional dances of the people of the sea in Senegal.


Documentation of the several-day ritual "N’DOEP" in Yoff

Omar NDOYE, Lebou from Yoff, psychoanalyst (IREP).

Conference on the trance therapy of the ritual N’DOEP among the Lebous in Senegal.

- audio-registration with photo show

The Griot of the sacred Ousmane DIOUF explains the ritual function

of the drums in the ceremony "N’DOEP" in Yoff  -  video in french

Malick GUEYE, fisherman and religious, about traditional fishing, the women in fishery and the Islam

- video in french

Some traditional dances with the dance company Mamy GUEYE , Yoff 

The artist Moussa Sambalaye DIOP speaks about his roots being a son of Lébou

- video in french

Bacar FALL, Hann,  speaks about fishery and the sacred - video in french


First results have been published immediately after the researches in 2011:

More perspectives of artisanal fisherfolk in Senegal
Visit to Boucar Fall: A traditional chief
Conversation with Bacar FALL, fisherman in Hann, President of the landing site
Three generations of women give their opinion on the practice of the sacred
Place of the griot in society