M A R E  N O S T R U M  -  S P A C E  F O R  D I A L O G U E  A N D  D I V E R S I T Y

T h e   V o i c e  o f   W e s t  A f r i c a 

Collective Memory & Collective Consciousness

 Between Tradition and Modernity

Confrontation with a culture whose survival is threatened by globalization and migration


The topics of the researches on this page are documented experiences that were not programmed, but have ensured a significant expansion of our knowledge:


- Gladys TCHUIMO, choreographer, interviews and stills to the dance performance ALOOPHO – a revisited myth. To examine the rituals in Africa and show another image and social status of women through their place in religion, that is the idea of this performance inspired by the legend of the great priestess Yoruba. – follow video interviews   


- Omar NDOYE, Lebou from Yoff, psychoanalyst (IREP). Conference on the trance therapy of

  the ritual N’DOEP among the Lebous in Senegal. - audio-registration with photo show


- Cies WANTED POSSE & STYLISTIC, dance performance Hip Hop, an initiatory journey between a fantasized Africa and its multiple realities. Dancer: Abdou N’GOM in "Entredeux" and Junior BOSILA in "Buanattitude"


- Hip Hop group from Dakar – follows video


- Guest workers in Senegal: GRIOTS from Guinea as street musicians for their compatriots – follows video


-  AFRICAN JEEF - an INITIATIVE of young Senegalese for the establishing of a school for street children – follow video and presentation