M A R E  N O S T R U M  -  S P A C E  F O R  D I A L O G U E  A N D  D I V E R S I T Y

T h e   V o i c e  o f   W e s t  A f r i c a

Collective Memory & Collective Consciousness


 Mare Nostrum is a Cultural Project which aims to strengthen cultural identities – by recognizing the own cultural position in the changing world as a value, as an independent language in the collective consciousness of humanity. The objective of the Mare Nostrum Project is to convey the power of identity, which enables an independent position within the large chorus of international voices.


Mare Nostrum is the realization of a participatory, multi-stakeholder Project, whose goal is to develop methods for creating a space for dialogue and diversity, that interconnects traditional knowledge, sciences and arts. These meetings are situated in the exploration of sustainability practices to counteract the depletion of marine and coastal resources and its impact on societies that depend on them.
The Mare Nostrum Project was started in exemplarily manner in Senegal in 2011 - after a preparatory phase in 2010 on site - with its pilot project, conducted in collaboration with four fishing communities (Yoff, Hann, Kayar, St. Louis). The Project is not only producing new experiences of those involved, but also several products to share, including multimedia products. It will also lay the groundwork for larger projects, such as the launch of a Cultural Festival in Senegal with the simultaneous activation of global forums for the solidarity with the people of the sea. Objective is also to cooperate on interdisciplinary and international level with scientists who are interested in this oral culture and the subjects of the Mare Nostrum Project - as well as the creation of resource centers in the traditional fishing communities.

The first results have been puplished immediately after the researches in 2011

A first concept note

An exploration of the approach in Senegal in 2010

Interview with Carla Zickfeld about Mare Nostrum 

Mare Nostrum - Introduction to the 2011 Pilot Activities 

Perspectives of artisanal fisherfolk in Senegal

More perspectives of artisanal fisherfolk in Senegal